Topanga Picnic Rug

Topanga Picnic Rug


Presenting the Topanga Oak Picnic Rug, a luscious remix of the iconic 60s paisley print and an earthy 70s colour palette, inspired by the hippy mecca of bygone eras, Topanga Valley.

Featuring a new shape with rounded corners and a fringe trim which give this rug a laid back vintage flair.

It comes with our signature tan waterproof base and its very own brown woven carry strap, so you can carry your picnic rug wherever you roam.

Material : Cotton canvas

- Picnic rug size : 164cm x 147cm

- Embroidered cotton label

- Brown woven carry strap included

- Base is made of waterproof canvas

- Rounded corners

- Fringed cotton trim



Spot Clean

- Do not leave it in direct sunlight due to possible fading.

- Prior to storing, always hang your rug out to fully dry to avoid mould.

Regular price $195.00 Sale price $146.25 Save 25%
  • Low stock - 2 items left
  • Inventory on the way